Beauty Matters

Home>>Teaching Resources>>Online cross-curricular units of work

Online cross-curricular units of work

The Science and Politics of Cosmetic Surgery: What is cosmetic surgery? What views do different people have about cosmetic surgery, and why? What are the key scientific aspects of issues concerning cosmetic surgery? How does the media cover issues and problems of cosmetic surgery, and what effect does this have on our understanding and opinion of them?

Beauty in Contemporary Global Cultures: In these activities, students develop their understanding of the economic, social and political forces which shape all of our lives through a study of beauty in contemporary global cultures. They develop knowledge of the world as a global community, and the political, economic and social implications of this.

The Body as Image: What is image? How has the body been used as an image in different times and cultures? How is the body used as an image in contemporary art and photography?

The Significance of the Media in Issues of Beauty Culture: What makes a news story in beauty culture? How does the media promote beauty standards? How does the media contribute to the creation of celebrities? Should celebrities in beauty culture have a right to privacy?

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Home>>Teaching Resources>>Online cross-curricular units of work